Our Team
Dr. Ana I. Sánchez
Responsible for Metadata and Information Retrieval research guidelines. Due to that the information exchanged among vehicles should be well structured, the use of metadata that allow the interoperability of the systems is required. This would facilitate the communication probabilities, and make it possible to implement new services and high-level applications (traffic safety applications, increasing the passengers’ comfort, intelligent traffic management, etc.).

Dr. Francisco J. Martinez
Founder of the research group. He is in charge of several things such as the coordination of all the group members, the supervision of all their tasks, obtaining new funds, communication with other similar groups in order to collaborate in new projects, as well as ensuring the accomplishment of all the objectives.
Vicente Torres
Vocational training teacher. He did his tesis in our group improving Electric Vehicles’ performance by using Vehicular Communications and Artificial Intelligence. In particular, he investigated on tools and architectures that allow a correct implementation of the electric vehicle in future cities. To this end, some systems to better manage recharging of vehicles were proposed. Additionally, he is working on accurate prediction of electricity demand, planned recharge approaches, and the creation of systems that allow efficient driving, especially for electric vehicles.

Dr. Jesús Tramullas
Responsible for the design of the Information Architecture in Vehicular environments. He is working on information exchanging issues, specially at high level, among the different agents involved (vehicles, Road Side Units, Emergency vehicles, Police Department, etc.), as well as the Internet connectivity of vehicles.
Angel C. Herrero
PhD Student and vocational trainging teacher. His work is focused on Industry 4.0. The main objective of his thesis is the investigation is the use of low cost devices on Industrial environments. In particular, we aim to improving noise reduction and estability of low cost devices on real industry.

Dr. Julio A. Sangüesa
He did his doctoral thesis within our group. His work was related to simulation and modeling of smart and adaptive dissemination systems in vehicular environments. In particular, these approaches allow to adapt the warning dissemination policy to the specific situation at any time (i.e., according to roadmap topology where the vehicles are traveling, and the vehicle density). Currently, he is the PhD. Advisor of Vicente Torres.
Mirialys Machin
PhD Student. Her work is related to both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Knowledge Data Discovery (KDD) techniques that allow to correctly manage and extract information from the data gathered by vehicles. This huge volume of data will require to efficiently manage vast amounts of information.

Carlos T. Calafate
Collaborator. He works on Intelligent Systems. Additionally, he collaborates in all the scientific and technical details of the works developed by the group, as well as the international relationships, encouraging the collaboration of the members of the group with researchers who are working on similar issues.

Johann Marquez-Barja
Collaborator. Johann is a Research Assistant Professor in the CONNECT Centre for Future Networks and Communications at Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland. He is involved in several European research projects. His main research interests are 5G advanced heterogeneous dense cells architectures; elastic and flexible future wireless networks and its integration and impact on optical networks; IoT clustering; virtualization; provisioning and dynamic resource allocation towards dynamic converged networks. He is also interested in vehicular networks, mobility and handovering within smart cities.
Former Members
Dr. Manuel Fogué
Collaborator. He works on Design and Information Architecture Topics in Vehicular Networks. Specifically, he studies all the issues related to information architecture and fleet control.
Dr. Jesús Gallardo
He worked with us about 3 years. He was responsible for the topics related to Collaborative Systems.
Dr. Javier Barrachina
He did his doctoral thesis within our group. His work used Artificial Intelligence techniques to better deploy Road Side Units (RSUs) and improve the traffic management in urban environments. His proposals allow to reduce: (i) vehicles’ travel time, (ii) fuel burn and CO2 emissions, as well as (iii) the time required to assist injured people in traffic collisions. Currently, he is working in the Diputación Provincial de Teruel.
Manuel Antón
He developed his Final Year Project (FYP) in our group. His works focused on designing and implementing an application able to manage parking spaces in urban environments. Having in mind existing studies that highlight the high amount of time usually required by drivers in our cities, the FYP proposed a solution to ease the parking task, while reducing fuel burn and CO2 emissions. After finishing his studies, he joined Capgemini, New Energy Aborda, and Accenture.
Jesús Ibáñez
He developed his Final Year Project in our group. His work focused on developing an application that allows vehicle hire companies to automatic manage their electrical vehicles fleets. Specifically, we used the customers’ smartphones as On-board Units (OBUs), thereby allowing the automatic and efficient management, while reducing the current rental costs. Currently, he is doing a Ph.D. in the Universitat Politècnica de València.